Willkommen, Welcome, Bienvenue, Bienvenida,
добро пожаловать, Тәсілдеріне, 歓迎
and thank you for visiting my page!
My call: DL 3 VZL
Activities also in the following countries:
W7/DL3VZL Arizona USA
W6/DL3VZL California USA
3A/DL3VZL Monaco
LY/DL3VZL Lithuania
UJ/DL3VZL Uzbekistan
ZB2/DL3VZL Gibraltar
TF/DL3VZL Iceland
ES/DL3VZL Estonia
LA/DL3VZL Norway
OZ/DL3VZL/P Denmark
SP/ DL3VZL Poland
SM/DL3VZL Sweden
My connections as DL3VZL, as of Oct. 2024-10-30
115,781 QSOs (connections),
341 DXCC countries,
in 7 continents, 35 CQ zones and 57 ITU zones
My LOCATOR/GRID: JO61tc Pos.: 51"06'25N - 13"38'37E